Saturday, July 31, 2021

Gay Activist Explains How CDC's Provincetown Study Advising Masks is ... Let's Just Call it 'Flawed'

Gay Activist Explains How CDC's Provincetown Study Advising Masks is ... Let's Just Call it 'Flawed'
Brodigan - July 31, 2021 at 10:44AM

Critics are questioning the CDC's decision to "suggest" everyone mask up. The first study is based on a v*cc*ne that hasn't been approved in America. Then you have the Provincetown study, where a group of v*cc*nated people all in the same Massachusetts town caught the 'rona. According to blue-checkmarked gay rights activist Peter Staley, that study could be questionable as well.

Let me be clear, Staley is not a scientist. He's also not someone you would assume is a Trump-supporting Fox News viewer, who according to the media is the only group questioning the CDC. Here's what caught his attention about the Provincetown study.

If you are unaware of the term "bear," feel free to click through to the Urban Dictionary. Or don't. You may be better off not knowing. What's important here is that the CDC should have known. The CDC should have done more research than a random guy on Twitter did before this data sent them into a panic. Such a panic, they need to bring back masks.

Again, Staley is not a scientist. But he makes a lot of logical sense here. He brings up points you would hope a sciency government agency like the CDC would consider BEFORE announcing guidelines that would send American society into a tailspin. You would like to think they would. They obviously did not. The question is was it incompetence, or something else.

Excuse me one second.

There is a zero percent chance that these details the CDC left out don't start trending. So what's the plan here? Claim everyone who challenges the CDC is not only literally attacking "the science" but is also homophobic? The Biden Administration wants to scare people into getting v*ccc*nes even though some Americans don't want to. The CDC, after getting bullied into changing guidelines and being unable to find "the science" to call for masks, needed something else. It's not beyond the realm of possibility for Democrats to fall back on their favorite tactic: accuse opponents of -isms and -ists.

I don't think it's working this time, because it's no longer only Trumpers asking questions. Staley isn't someone you'd think is MAGA. I know for a fact Michael Rapaport isn't MAGA. Even mainstream media outlets and cats like Nate Silver are challenging the CDC. They should have been all along.

The CDC isn't "the science." They are a government agency full of bureaucrats. We're allowed to question our government.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Get Out While You Can, Joe Biden Announces More Restrictions “In All Probability”

Get Out While You Can, Joe Biden Announces More Restrictions “In All Probability”
Brodigan - July 31, 2021 at 07:44AM

If Joe Biden's plan to address "Fauci Ouchie" hesitancy is to make the American people as confused and frustrated as possible, it's been flawless so far. White House messaging contradicts other White House messaging on the regular. By the time you read this, Biden's comments may already be considered "misinformation." That's what we call it when a White House official talks out of their rectum and it gets clarified or walked back by another White House official.

In this instance, the official is the most popular president ever.

"The Truth Is Illegal..." Jason Whitlock & Crowder Talk Censorship | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Friday, July 30, 2021

Dan Crenshaw Exposes Flaws in the One Study CDC Used for New Mask Guidelines

Dan Crenshaw Exposes Flaws in the One Study CDC Used for New Mask Guidelines
Brodigan - July 30, 2021 at 01:31PM

Rep. Dan Crenshaw is speaking out about the CDC's new mask mandates. You may have noticed the left crying about it on Twitter. But Crenshaw brings up a specific reason why. The study the CDC used to "recommend" v*cc*nated people mask up again is flawed in a number of ways.

You're most likely reading this on Facebook and, well, you know. I'm merely reporting what a congressman said out loud to the media. Then, I'm going to quote a journalistic source with more details. Then, I'm going to leave you to draw your own conclusions. Just know that, as usual, yes, I am thinking what you think I'm thinking.

It turns out they are citing a single study from India. That study, by the way, is assessing a vaccine that isn't approved in the U.S. it's assessing the AstraZeneca vaccine. We dug a little further, and it turns out that that study was also rejected in peer review. They changed the status of rejection to revise the day of the CDC's announcement. This is extremely suspicious, so you've got a single study, not from our country, not with a vaccine that we even use.

The Washington Examiner provides more details:

- The CDC said that the study monitored medical professionals who had been vaccinated "with vaccines not authorized for use in the United States," yet did not note the study's small sample size of 100 participants.

- The CDC also failed to disclose that the study has not been accredited through the peer review process ... and that it "should not be interpreted as an endorsement of its validity or suitability for dissemination as established information or for guiding clinical practice."

Rep. Crenshaw made these comments on Thursday, when there was only one study available. On Friday, the CDC released a second study concerning a bunch of people partying on Cape Cod. There were 882 infections. Almost three-fourths were fully vaccinated. Less than 1% were hospitalized. No deaths. And because of THAT study, the CDC released its new guidelines to mask up, that Joe Biden says we can't question.

The CDC is the government agency that "recommends" what local governments turn into mandates. Also, if the CDC didn't say it, Facebook considers it misinformation.

I will leave you to let your brains encode and process the information you just read. At which point I'll assume we both agree with each other.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Monkey Gang Warfare Has Taken Over the Streets of Thailand. Seriously, We Have Video ...

Monkey Gang Warfare Has Taken Over the Streets of Thailand. Seriously, We Have Video ...
Brodigan - July 30, 2021 at 09:57AM

Friends, I know things seem bleak now. In America, we still have our government trying to control us with panic porn. President Coriolanus is changing the national slogan to "Masks now. Mask forever." But to quote the greatest philosopher of our generation, @ComfortablySmug, things can always get much worse. It's bad now, but at least it's not monkey gang warfare bad.

Seriously. That's what's going on in the streets of Thailand. (h/t Outkick)

Jason Whitlock: "The Truth Is Illegal..." | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Uh-oh! SNL's Michael Che Triggered the Internet with Simone Biles Jokes ... That Weren't His

Uh-oh! SNL's Michael Che Triggered the Internet with Simone Biles Jokes ... That Weren't His
Brodigan - July 30, 2021 at 08:36AM

Cancel culture is coming for SNL's Michael Che because he said he wanted to make jokes about Simone Biles. You and I of course know that the gymnastics GOAT Olympian is beyond all criticism. Even reasonable, well thought-out criticism. Oh, if you missed it this week, Biles dropped out of Olympic competition to deal with mental issues. I shouldn't have assumed you knew that. Maybe your internet has been out all week.

Che made the "jokes" via Instagram stories that a snitch was kind enough to screenshot.

Man, I wanna make fun of Simone Biles. I got like 3 mins of Simone Biles jokes in my head. I'm going to the [Comedy] Cellar tonight to say them into a microphone. As the dorky kids say, I'm choosing violence.

I'm fairly certain that WAS his joke about Biles. The joke was that you can't make jokes about her, or that you realize how those jokes will be received. If anything, it was a joke about outrage. That he then received by sharing OTHER PEOPLE'S TASTELESS JOKES that slid into his DM's.

"Larry Nasser understands Simone Biles better than anyone. He too had to quit doing what he love at the pinnacle of his career because of mounting pressure."

"Who said black don't crack?"

I won't lie. That last one made me laugh out loud. Okay, they both did.

The blue-check brigade on the internet did not laugh out loud. They tagged SNL and HBO in their shaky fisty tweets demanding Che be fired for sharing other people's jokes. Che saw the outrage and responded it with a now-deleted Instagram post about the things he's allowed to joke about.

I got hacked today. Y'all know I only do jokes about whites and cops.

I said his now-deleted post because he deleted all the posts on his Instagram page. The jury is still out if we're going to get the sobbing apology to those who he offended. It's clear he knew what he was doing. He was making a joke about not being allowed to make a joke. He knew people were going to get triggered. That was the joke. I hope he sticks by it. Also, the two guys who slid into his DMs should consider an open mic night. That was solid material.

The main question is if respect comedy critic Robin DiAngelo thinks Michael Che is a white supremacist over his joke about joking about Simone Giles. Someone get her on a podcast.

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from Steven Crowder Says

'It's Not Science, It's Politics': Ted Cruz Goes Scorched-Earth on Democrats and 'Discredited' CDC

'It's Not Science, It's Politics': Ted Cruz Goes Scorched-Earth on Democrats and 'Discredited' CDC
Brodigan - July 30, 2021 at 07:57AM

Few things in politics are more enjoyable than when Ted Cruz's brain goes into kill mode and leaves bodies all over the floor. Proverbially, of course. I hope you didn't overdose on Rep. Chip Roy's rant from yesterday. If so, go do a shot of methadone and come down before you click play on this one.

I direct all "fact" checkers and leftist trolls reading to pay attention to the beginning of the video. Where the pro-science Ted Cruz says that v*cc*nes work because he believes in science. Okay? Okay. Democrats and the media (I repeat myself) purposely blur what they call "the science" with what it actually is "the politics." That's Ted Cruz's point here. It's the point that all conservatives need to be articulating over and over again.

The local government Democrats that mandate you must obey the CDC. They throw their hands up and say, "Hey, we're just following the CDC." The CDC says "Hey, we're just making recommendations." And no one's accountable for anything. This makes no sense.

A perfect example is the non-sciencey guidelines when it comes to children.

One of the things the CDC rolled out this week is an edict that in schools, everybody must be masked. Child. Adult. It doesn't matter if you're v*cc*nated. Doesn't matter. You must wear a mask. Why? Who knows? It's not based on science. It's not based on medicine.

It's based on politics. And between the CDC and the teachers' union, it has been this entire time.

This isn't about whether you get a shot or don't get a shot. I did. You're still my friend if you didn't. My shot, according to science, makes it so there's only a 0.005% chance I get a mild illness regardless of what personal medical decision you made for yourself. The science hasn't changed. The only thing that has changed is guidelines from a government bureaucracy, and it's been done purely for political reasons. They haven't even attempted to make a clear scientific case for it. They'll fill that in later. Allegedly, later today. Where we find out this decision was made because of a handful of people from Cape Cod. Sciencey, schmiencey as long as the media can cause people to panic.

This isn't a battle between v*cc*nated and non-v*cc*nated. That's what the left wants. It's all of us vs. unelected government bureaucrats.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Sensing a Pattern? Joe Biden Lashes Out at Another Reporter Who Dared Challenge Him

Sensing a Pattern? Joe Biden Lashes Out at Another Reporter Who Dared Challenge Him
Brodigan - July 30, 2021 at 07:14AM

Joe Biden's press conference yesterday was an unmitigated disaster. President Puddinghead was supposed to go out and make the American people feel better about the CDC's non-science-based decision on masks. Instead, he told Americans who got shots to blame their fellow Americans who didn't get shots. He "reassured" V-worded Americans they are safe, but they should cover their faces anyway. And as Old Man Withers is known to do, he lashed out at a reporter who dared questioned him.

Of course, it was Peter Doocy.

I'm getting heart surgery… #shorts #louderwithcrowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Thursday, July 29, 2021

I'm Getting Heart Surgery...

I'm Getting Heart Surgery...
Team Crowder - July 29, 2021 at 03:42PM

Crowder thanks you all for your prayers and support. See you in August!

from Steven Crowder Says

Anti-V-Word Restaurant Owner Calls Out Chris Cuomo's Shutdown Hypocrisy, and a Massive Hissy Fit Ensues

Anti-V-Word Restaurant Owner Calls Out Chris Cuomo's Shutdown Hypocrisy, and a Massive Hissy Fit Ensues
Courtney Kirchoff - July 29, 2021 at 02:59PM

The participants in the following interview have little to be proud of. It's an example of one side trying to own the other side and both sides thinking their guy won. I'd say it comes down to who has the most points, but I can't declare a KO for either. Tony Roman, the California restaurant owner we wrote about previously for posting an anti-vaccine sign on their business, joined Fredo for a bit of verbal slap-boxxing over who cares more about TheScience(TM). Roman was quick to point out Cuomo's shutdown hypocrisy, his brother Andrew's handling of the shutdown, and which Italian is scarier.

The interview in full is even more weird, guys.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Candace Cameron Bure Apologizes for Being Way Too Sexy in a Bible Video

Candace Cameron Bure Apologizes for Being Way Too Sexy in a Bible Video
Brodigan - July 29, 2021 at 01:47PM

If ten-year-old Brodigan knew he'd be writing about his childhood crushes as an adult, he'd tell you "What the hell is a blog?" At least unlike when I write about Alyssa Milano, writing about Candace Cameron Bure doesn't make me sad. DJ Tanner has upset the squares again. I'm sure you all remember boobgate. Bure posted a picture with her HUSBAND OF 24 YEARS showing that the spark is still there between them. Now she's in trouble for getting too sexy with a Bible. At least, that's according to the haters.

First, the video.

I don't get it. I also don't get TikTok. If the haters find this video scandalous, really saucy videos on TikTok will send them shaking back and forth on the floor of the shower. She lip-synced a song. She's fully dressed. Her collarbones are even covered. Nothing I thought twice about.

But, people on Instagram had a conniption. People blasted her for it in the comments. It caused her to delete the post and issue an apology via her Instagram stories:

"I was using a very specific clip from TikTok and applying it to the power of the Holy Spirit, which is incredible. And so many of you thought that I was trying to be seductive, which clearly means I'm not a very good actress because I was trying to be strong, not sexy or seductive."

"Maybe I was just trying to be too cool or relevant in a Biblical way that didn't work," she added. "Anyway, most of you didn't like it clearly, but there was a small percentage of you that appreciated what I did and understood my intention. But anyway, it's gone. Now I know what you don't like."

The video didn't move me one way or the other. If you found it offensive, no judgment here. I don't even know what the haters had to say because the video was already deleted. But I think we need to have a national conversation that you don't need to have strong opinions on everything you see on the internet just because it's on the internet. Liberals suggesting we create porn that appeals to minors? THAT is something worth getting upset over. A woman lip-syncing to a pop song is not.

But an actress singing a song with the intention of expressing her love of God? She may have missed the mark, but it's clear she wasn't trying to be disrespectful or insulting. Intent should matter. It's not like social media isn't cluttered with actual anti-religious filth. Maybe just scroll past this one.

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from Steven Crowder Says

'Superhero or Superspreader?': Actor Michael Rapaport Asks Vital Question in Anti-Fauci Rant

'Superhero or Superspreader?': Actor Michael Rapaport Asks Vital Question in Anti-Fauci Rant
Brodigan - July 29, 2021 at 12:36PM

Michael Rapaport is an actor I can take or leave. I realize he's a MAGA hater and not one of us, though he does have moments of clarity. Besides Beautiful Girls (a highly underrated movie), I sometimes forget what he does. But in this rant about the latest un-sciencey CDC decision on masks, he makes an excellent point. Americans were told they were the true superheroes if they got their Fauci ouchies. Now what?

I just watched Tony Fauci tell me people with the v*cc*ne, v*cc*nated people, are now spreading the virus. A couple of days ago, I was "Yes, I'm v*cc*nated!" "I have my sticker!" "Be a hero!" I went from being a hero because I'm v*cc*nated, and now you mother f*ckers are calling me a super spreader? I ain't no f*cking super spreader. Figure this sh*t out.

Not since Jason Segel opined on whether he was a man or a muppet has an actor asked such a poignant question.

Let's clarify. Because I know "fact" checkers don't always understand how linguistics work. Rapaport isn't claiming that Tony Fauci literally told CNN, "That Michael Rapaport guy is a superspreader." The actor is making a broad observation on the conflicting messages being sent by the government. Also, I don't think Rapaport is being literal about Fauci f*cking his mother. "Motherf*cker" is a common vernacular used when people are angry. Okay? Okay.

But he brings up an interesting point. Americans were told that they were HEROES if they went out and made the personal medical decision the government wanted them to make. People wore special outfits to get their jabs. They blocked out photos for Instagram. Some of them sang songs about it. Wretched songs. We should file a class-action lawsuit on behalf of our ear cavities.

Imagine being someone who went out to get your shot thinking it made you a superior person. After all, your government told you you were. Now, the government is telling you you aren't so special after all. And put this cloth back on your face. For science! The moral of this story is that maybe, just maybe, our government doesn't have our best interests at heart. It's okay to ask questions. If officials ever tell you you have to do something, that's the exact time to tell them to slow their roll.

If the CDC's goal was to turn v*cc*nated against free-thinkers, expecting the free-thinkers to get bullied into doing what the government wants them to do, it is so far backfiring. The v*cc*nated are angrier at the government. Like they should be.

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from Steven Crowder Says

In Now Deleted Tweet, Liberal Writer Suggests We Create Porn for Children. So Stupid it Hurts.

In Now Deleted Tweet, Liberal Writer Suggests We Create Porn for Children. So Stupid it Hurts.
Courtney Kirchoff - July 29, 2021 at 12:32PM

A liberal writer who, according to her Twitter bio where she's also specified her preferred gender pronouns, has penned articles for GQ and the like, suggested today we create porn for children. Those were her actual words. As you'd likely imagine in the internet cesspool that is Twitter, the tweet picked up some viral loads and spread like the delta variant. Flora Gill has since deleted the tweet, but that hardly solves the problem. People got a few screen captures, which are below. But the full wording of the tweet is this:

"Someone needs to create porn for children. Hear me out
Young teens are already watching porn but theyre finding hard core, aggressive videos that give a terrible view of sex. They need entry level porn! A soft core site where everyone asks for consent and no one gets choked etc"

There's more problems with this than just saying "children" and then defining them as "young teens" then trying to say young teens means "under 18." Sometimes it's best to stop when you're ahead. There is such a thing as looking at the tweet drafted then deciding NOT to hit send. That's usually when I take my screen captures and text to coworkers. It's the digital equivalent of "I really shouldn't say this but wanted you to see what I would've said..."

The problem with pornography is that it's pornography. The problem with children of any age watching pornography is a problem because pornography is a problem. The issue I have with Flora's argument isn't about consent or how she defines children, my issue is trying to solve a problem by offering a diluted version of it. It's the "but they're going to do it anyway so let's try to make something bad less bad" principle.

Let's replace porn with something else to demonstrate:

Someone needs to create alcohol for children. Hear me out. Young teens are already binge drinking and severely damaging their livers, cognitive functions, and putting them at higher risk of drunk driving fatalities. They need entry level alcohol! A lighter buzz that gives them a safer feeling of drunken disorderly conduct!

Surely you can think of a few more examples that follow the formula. Like Oxycodone, cheating on tests, ditching class, bulling, murder, just about anything that people do anyway regardless of that thing being wrong.

We shouldn't have porn for children because we shouldn't encourage porn. For anyone. Porn is a problem because of what porn is. It serves no great purpose. I know a lot of folks get touchy (see what I did there) when porn is discussed in a negative light, but let's not pretend porn is a great boon like backup cameras.

So no, Flora. We shouldn't offer soft core pore to children, even porn that teaches consent. Teaching consent is good. Teaching consent in the avenue of porn, something bad, is not good. This should be a simple exercise but here we are.

Maybe instead we teach children that consent is good and sex can be good when there's respect for the human person, most often attained in the union of marriage, where each spouse has love for the other. That doesn't mean we need to introduce children to sex acts that are less disturbing than choking. It does mean we can encourage children to find a person who respects them and won't treat them like an object to be used for their own sexual gratification. Which I'm afraid porn, even soft core porn, just doesn't offer.

from Steven Crowder Says

Unreal: Joe Biden's Gun-Grabbing ATF Nominee Doesn't Think Biden's 'Landmark' Anti-Gun Bill Goes Far Enough

Unreal: Joe Biden's Gun-Grabbing ATF Nominee Doesn't Think Biden's 'Landmark' Anti-Gun Bill Goes Far Enough
Brodigan - July 29, 2021 at 09:25AM

Joe Biden likes to brag on his "landmark" 1994 anti-gun bill. He mentioned it last week while saying he wanted to eliminate handguns. Though, as PolitiFact points out, not all handguns (yet). Biden also appointed anti-gun activist David Chipman to head up the ATF. Chipman has yet to see a gun he didn't want to grab. He also has a robust social media footprint shouting to the world how much he wants to take your guns away and/or put you on the list.

Here he is in 2019 saying that Biden's anti-gun bill, the one Biden considers the gold standard of anti-gun bills, didn't go far enough.

Biden's RADICAL New Executive Order On Guns! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says

Congressman Unloads Over Pelosi 'Playing Mask Footsie' with Rant You Should Inject Into Your Veins

Congressman Unloads Over Pelosi 'Playing Mask Footsie' with Rant You Should Inject Into Your Veins
Brodigan - July 29, 2021 at 08:03AM

There were two big stories in the news Tuesday. One was the CDC making science-challenged guidelines that you should go back to covering your face, even if you got your arm jab. The other is that the Biden administration released 50,000 illegal immigrants into the country and doesn't know where most of them are. No word on how many of the 50,000 got arm jabs or have their faces covered. Nancy Pelosi, of course, only focused on the mask theater. Because again, Democrats follow "the politics" as opposed to "the science." Texas Congressman Chip Roy exploded over the decision.

Roll up your sleeves and tie off a vein.

How #censorship Outlaws TRUTH! | Ash Wednesday with Jason Whitlock | #louderwithcrowder #shorts

from Steven Crowder Says

Nancy Pelosi Opposes Student Loan Bailout, Accidentally Endorses Conservatism and School Choice

Nancy Pelosi Opposes Student Loan Bailout, Accidentally Endorses Conservatism and School Choice
Brodigan - July 29, 2021 at 07:26AM

We're living in end times when Nancy Pelosi says something I agree with. Maybe this wasn't Pelosi and was actually Mike Rowe infiltrating Washington wearing a Nancy Pelosi suit. Either that or Rowe got ahold of Pelosi's programming manual and had hackers install a common sense patch. Pelosi sounds less like a Marxist nitwit and more like someone who cares about taxpayers.

Nancy was asked about President Puddinghead wanting to bail out imbeciles who took out student loans they could never expect to pay back in the chosen career they took out the loans for. Pelosi isn't a fan. She says it wouldn't be fair to people who were not imbeciles.

"Suppose…your child just decided they, at this time, [do] not want to go to college but you're paying taxes to forgive somebody else's obligations. You may not be happy about that."

These words burn my fingertips as I type them, but ... I agree with Nancy Pelosi. Taxpayers should NOT be bailing out people's student loans. Taxpayers should not be paying for other people's lifestyle choices or any other unnecessary crap. Nancy Pelosi just outed herself as a conservative. Or, she didn't understand the words coming out of her mouth. Whatever the case, I'll take it.

Using Nancy Pelosi's flawless logic (it still burns), think how unfair it is for people to be paying exorbitant school taxes to have their children indoctrinated. You can see a racially diverse, genderly diverse group of parents speaking out against it. They're unhappy they have to do that. A more fair system would be to let them take those tens of thousands of dollars every year and spend them on their child's education how they deem fit. We can even call it the Pelosi Plan. Three cheers for Nancy Pelosi! Hip Hip! She just threw out her hip.

My mom hears Democrat officials her age and older spout leftist nonsense. She thinks they should be old enough to know better. Turns out, they are old enough to know better. Democrats know most of what they say is economically illiterate garbage. You just have to catch them when they aren't paying attention. Like we just did future CPAC headliner Nancy Pelosi.

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from Steven Crowder Says