Sunday, January 3, 2021

Police Reportedly Raid 'Illegal Gathering' of Six People at Private Residence

Police Reportedly Raid 'Illegal Gathering' of Six People at Private Residence
Brodigan - January 03, 2021 at 08:23AM

In the olden days, when you weren't invited to a party, you would be passive-aggressive about it on Facebook. Thanks to the pandemic, you now have the option of snitching to the police. The result of doing so is what you are about to see in this video. Allegedly. We've seen what appears to be police overreactions to COVD restrictions before. There could be missing context of what happened prior to the altercation. Also, they're all talking a funny language because this isn't America. The bald guy could be telling the cop about all the dirty sexual things he's done to the cop's mother.

My gut tells me this video is exactly what it looks like.

According to CTV News, two people were arrested for this illegal gathering of six people:

Police were called to a home on rue Le Baron at around 11:30 p.m. Thursday after they received a complaint. There, they found six adults inside.
Indoor and outdoor private gatherings are currently prohibited in Gatineau under Quebec's COVID-19 response.

Don't think this can happen in America? Los Angeles already has something called a "Super-Spreader Task Force." Right now they just bust up parties of "Influencers" and not people who actually matter. But that can easily change. As these six people snacking on a shrimp mold and playing Cards Against Humanity in a friend's home can tell you. Again, allegedly. It's Canada, so there may have been poutine involved.

We're entering the new year and month ten after "fifteen days to flatten the curve." It's time to consider asking ourselves: is this what we want? For those who lack reading comprehension, I'm NOT implying ignoring the coronavirus. Here's the link to the CDC website with all the sciency things from experts. But I think we as a humanity need to check ourselves. "Wear a mask" has become neighbors snitching out neighbors for having SIX PEOPLE IN THEIR HOME. Don't even scroll through the responses to the video to see how many people support this. Scroll through your Facebook timeline of people you actually know. Whether they're motivated by actual fear, signaling their virtue, or fapping themselves over the word "science."

We all know people in our lives who think the police and the snitch were the ones in the right. Neighbors are turning on neighbors. In my opinion, that's a more worrisome pandemic. One we can't cure with vaccines, masks, or social distancing.

from Steven Crowder Says