Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Two Crazed Mask Nazis Melt Down Over Trump Supporters Trying to Drink Coffee

Two Crazed Mask Nazis Melt Down Over Trump Supporters Trying to Drink Coffee
Brodigan - January 06, 2021 at 07:06AM

Many people are heading to Washington, D.C., for the big Trump march and/or rally. If you live in the northeast, Amtrak is the way to go. Mock the "Acela class" all you want. As someone who has made the trip many a time, it's very relaxing. Listen to music as you gaze out the window. Enjoy a few beers and a microwavable cheeseburger. Take up the handicap seat so you have the extra leg room. There's no better way to travel. There are really only two things that can ruin your journey. The WiFi doesn't always work. Also, occasionally, you find yourself harassed by two masked broads while you're trying to enjoy a cup of coffee.

I don't know what it is about Karens that make them prone to mask nazi-ism. But they should have known better than to do this on a train full of Twitter-savvy MAGA-Americans.

It's true the CDC says you should be masked up. But, and this is a big but (lol, I said "big but"), on Amtrak you can take your mask off while you are eating or drinking. Just like on airplanes and at restaurants. Anyone who is not an unhinged lunatic, I would hope, could understand why. These two specimens with their 70,000 Twitter followers are the exception. Or, they're just obnoxious biyatches. I'll let you the reader determine that for yourself. But before you do, make sure you watch this next video first.

Here are more tweets from Ashley providing extra color commentary. Including one from the shrill harpy with the 70,000 Twitter followers that has since been made private. My favorite part of the entire story is how Karen and Other Karen had their cameras out as well. In their heads, they thought they were the heroes, bravely saving the world, one masked face at a time. If I were to guess, they probably leapt into action the minute the man put his coffee cup down.

Neither Karen nor Other Karen realize that they are in fact the @$holes here. That's the real punch line.

from Steven Crowder Says