Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Joe Biden Plans to Announce Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

Joe Biden Plans to Announce Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants
Brodigan - January 19, 2021 at 08:10AM

As Joe Biden is set to be sworn in as our next president, it would appear his first plan is to tackle immigration reform. Or more specifically, illegal immigration reform. It's being reported he has a plan to give an undetermined number of illegal immigrants a path to becoming citizens. By "undetermined number," I mean most of them. Allegedly.

The bill, which is expected to fill hundreds of pages, would offer one of the quickest pathways to citizenship for illegal immigrants in recent years: those living in the U.S. illegally as of January 1 would have a five-year path to temporary legal status, or a green card, contingent upon a background check, paying taxes, and other basic requirements.

After all that would be a three-year path to citizenship. Sooner if you are a DREAMer or an agricultural worker. Illegal immigration reform has long been a policy priority of the far left, particularly incoming budget chairman Bernie Sanders, who has called for illegal immigrants to receive free health care and free college tuition.

How this bill gets passed, even if it gets passed, is up in the air. There is currently a 50-50 split in the Senate, plus Nancy Pelosi has the slimmest majority any speaker of the House has had in decades. Moderate Republicans could very well support the plan. Or try to work out a "bipartisan compromise." The question is will moderate and/or red state Democrats be willing to do the same. Illegal immigration has always been one of our most contentious issues. Will they be willing to go so far out on a limb with their first vote of the Biden administration? Time will tell.

from Steven Crowder Says