Thursday, January 7, 2021

President-Elect Joe Biden: 'If It Were BLM Protesting Yesterday...' - Facebook Safe

President-Elect Joe Biden: 'If It Were BLM Protesting Yesterday...' - Facebook Safe
Brodigan - January 07, 2021 at 02:14PM

Well, this isn't helpful.

Notice the words "Facebook safe" in the title.

This is the same Joe Biden who tells us he wants to heal the country. "It's a time to heal." "Everyone needs to heal." As far as I can tell, this is his first speech officially as president-elect. I'm not implying he hasn't been this whole time. But after the past few months and the official vote last night, let's call him presidential-elect'ier. This was how he chose to address the country for the first time. Had he been a Republican or someone with more orange skin, the media might be calling him an "arsonist" stoking fear and division. Instead, I'm willing the bet CNN right now is calling him brave. Biden is telling the American people the hard truths they need to hear. He's giving us no malarky.

People are passionate and emotional after this week's events. People agree we need to ask hard questions and listen to hard answers. Americans agree we need to heal. Biden's speech today? This isn't the way to go about it, Hoss.

from Steven Crowder Says