Thursday, January 14, 2021

Jake Tapper Questions Legless Veteran Congressman's Patriotism; the Congressman Quickly Responds

Jake Tapper Questions Legless Veteran Congressman's Patriotism; the Congressman Quickly Responds
Brodigan - January 14, 2021 at 07:43AM

Brian Mast is a congressman from Florida and a veteran who lost both his legs in Afghanistan. Jake Tapper reads the news for CNN. The people who rioted at the Capitol, unless they were from FL-18, most likely have no idea who Brian Mast is. So one would assume they were not inspired to be there by Mast's plan to oppose the Electoral College certification. Now that we have the backstory, let's see what was on CNN yesterday.

One might argue that was unnecessarily dickish. Unbecoming of someone who is supposed to be acting as an unbiased journalist. On an unbiased news network. Unlike, say, Fox News. People might have a different opinion if a Fox News host criticized Rep. Tammy Duckworth, a Democrat who also lost both her legs in combat. I say "might," but that actually happened.

Rep. Mast took the high road.

Jake Tapper took the low road.

We're supposed to unify as a country. How do we do that when news networks accuse elected officials of sedition over votes they don't like? It's not sedition when you are doing your constitutional duty. You could disagree with the vote. You may think it is misguided. You can even call it douchebaggery. There are all sorts of ways to describe your disapproval of a congressman's vote. Ways that DON'T imply they're a traitor. Tapper wasn't even implying. His exact words were that Mast "voted to commit sedition." Also, Joe Biden was certified president-elect regardless. If this was sedition, the people "committing" it weren't very good at doing so.

There are hard questions we all as Americans need to ask ourselves about what led to January 6. A week later, it still feels like we're not serious about asking them.

from Steven Crowder Says