Monday, January 25, 2021

Dan Crenshaw Declares Dems 'Worst Working Class Party Ever,' Provides Plenty of Examples

Dan Crenshaw Declares Dems 'Worst Working Class Party Ever,' Provides Plenty of Examples
Brodigan - January 25, 2021 at 09:20AM

You may hear the words "buyers' remorse" used in the same sentence as "Joe Biden" this week. You'll probably also read Big Tech 'fact' checks that it's not actually buyers' remorse. We'll cross the troll under that bridge when we get to it. It hasn't even been a full week, and Biden supporters are starting to feel shafted. Their jobs are being executive-ordered away. People who endorsed Biden are starting to realize the president may not have their best interests in mind. Who could have guessed there were more important issues to vote on than just Trump being an alleged jerkface?

As Rep. Dan Crenshaw implies, for a party that claims to be for the working class, Democrats suck at it.

Worst. Ever.

Let's take the "buyers' remorse" as 100% accurate. I know many a Palo Alto "fact" checker will disagree, but just humor me. More Americans are going to realize Joe Biden is not the centrist as advertised. People are already out of work due to lockdowns. Now they're going to see Biden's policies killing (allegedly) more jobs. What's going to be the message to those people from the GOP? I don't mean the bloggers. Our message is going to be abject ridicule and a few hashtag "I told you so's." I mean our leaders. The people we elect to do actual things. How are THEY going to send the message that when it comes to the middle class, Democrats su-diddly-uck? There's a problem on the right with a lot of talking and not a lot of action. We dropped the ball when we were in power. If you disagree, notice how we don't even have the ball any more.

I like Dan Crenshaw a lot and think "worst ever" is decent marketing. But this goes for ANYONE who plans to step up and raise the flag. It needs to be more than catchphrases and Fox News hits. This isn't 2010-2020 any more.

from Steven Crowder Says