Friday, January 8, 2021

School Board Member Gives Parents Insane Choice: Educate Your Kids or Keep Them Alive?

School Board Member Gives Parents Insane Choice: Educate Your Kids or Keep Them Alive?
Brodigan - January 08, 2021 at 12:43PM

Spend enough time on Twitter and all sorts of crazy things find their way to your eye holes. To quote Abraham Lincoln, "Whoa, if true." This morning, I read a tweet about a school board member from Alexandria, Virginia. This person allegedly said parents who want schools to open have to choose: Educate your kids or keep them alive. I said to myself, "Self ... that ain't right." We're at the end of a long week, but there is no possible way that's an accurate quote. Even factoring in some teachers' unions have made it clear they may not have students' and parents' best interests at heart. Some might even say the unions are purposely exploiting the pandemic.

Even considering that, there's no possible way someone actually said ... oh my God, there's video. Meet Margaret Lorber.

I vote both.

Disclaimer: I'm not a scientist or expert. But I'm fairly certain parents are NOT the ones ignoring science here. Let me introduce you to the king of all things sciencey, the infallible Anthony Fauci the First. Side note: watching the media turn on him when he's on the opposite side from Joe Biden on this issue is going to be delicious. Quothe Tony the Science Guy:

The biggest problem, in my opinion, with the pandemic now isn't people not wearing masks or ignoring restrictions. It's the abuse of trust from people telling us to do those things. I'm willing to bet most families in Alexandria DO mask up and DO follow social distancing guidelines. Some probably don't let their kids have playdates. Families are struggling having to juggle being parents, holding jobs, AND suddenly becoming homeschoolers. Which parents were happy to do for a while. Greater good, public health, and all that. Even though remote learning hasn't been all that successful an experiment. Now you have idiots on the school board telling them they're the bad guys. Putting silly things like their child's "education" ahead of things like their child living.

It's time to open up the schools. If teachers and school board members don't like that, it's time for them to find other careers.

from Steven Crowder Says