Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Chicago Teachers Union Won't Teach, Explains Why Through This Interpretive Dance

Chicago Teachers Union Won't Teach, Explains Why Through This Interpretive Dance
Brodigan - January 27, 2021 at 07:01AM

It is said that the left is beyond parody. The video you are about to watch illustrates that better than any that has come before it. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the teachers' unions have used it as an excuse to figuratively hold parents and students hostage. Emphasis on figuratively. Lest anyone from Facebook think I'm implying the unions have literally kidnapped parents and are releasing videos of them holding up today's newspaper. But SOME unions have been refusing to go back to in-person teaching until their demands are met.

Like in Chicago. Teachers voted NOT to resume in-person teaching, as was planned prior to Joe Biden's inauguration. Yes, the same Joe Biden who stans the teachers' unions. Why did they change their minds? What are their issues? Let members of the union explain through this interpretive dance. No, seriously.

Has remote learning been an absolute failure? In theory, according to some, yes. The infallible Dr. Anthony Fauci also says schools are safe to reopen. But I guess the old adage remains true. When kids start paying union dues, the teachers' unions will start caring about them. I have a lot more to say about the topic, but that's why you should sign up for the newsletter, where we're free to get saucier in our commentary.

Also, you may want to bookmark and make sure you visit every day. I'll let the boss insinuate why.

from Steven Crowder Says