Monday, January 18, 2021

Former Facebook Executive Demands Reducing Audience of 'Conservative Influencers'

Former Facebook Executive Demands Reducing Audience of 'Conservative Influencers'
Brodigan - January 18, 2021 at 07:23AM

The spread of "fake news" and "hateful rhetoric" on social media has been in the news. Alex Stamos is a former chief security officer for Facebook. He sat down with Brian "Stop Calling Me a Potato or I'll Cry" Stelter to discuss the issue. Quick note to "fact" checkers. No, that isn't actually Brian Stelter's nickname. But many people feel he looks like a potato, and I am of the opinion he might cry about it.

If the irony of Stamos making these comments on the home to Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo isn't lost on you, that would be an opinion for you to make on your own. As is whether or not other Facebook employees and executives share the opinions of their former colleague.

We have to turn down the capability of these conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences.

It is up to the Facebooks and YouTubes, in particular, to think about whether or not they want to be effectively cable networks for disinformation.

And then we have to figure out the OANN and Newsmax problem that these companies have freedom of speech, but I'm not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and such to be bringing them into tens of millions of homes.

Stamos also mentioned there are right-wing YouTubers who have larger audiences than daytime CNN. I wonder if he has anyone in mind?

Let's recap. A former executive of Facebook went on a cable news network. He wondered out loud if cable companies should continue to carry rival cable news networks. All to the relative silence of the host of the first cable news network. The former executive also advocated for reducing the reach of "conservative influencers." Not specific people believed to bear responsibility for January 6. ALL "conservative influencers." Again, without much pushback from the host of the news show he was on.

I find this to be problematic and worthy of vigorous debate. I also miss having an alternative to Facebook to share more colorful thoughts on the matter.

from Steven Crowder Says