Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Congresswoman AOC DEMANDS the Resignation of Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley

Congresswoman AOC DEMANDS the Resignation of Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley
Brodigan - January 19, 2021 at 08:55AM

It's been a serious time in America since January 6. We as Americans need to have serious conversations with each other, full of many serious questions. That doesn't mean there isn't time for silliness. And when it comes to people being silly, few elected officials are sillier than Congresswoman AOC, someone who everybody, outside the most ardent AOC stans, could probably agree can be a little over-dramatic. Here she is DEMANDING the resignations of Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. Also, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for some reason.

Because this is not just about political opinion or partisanship. This was about the abandonment of our sworn oath.


I believe we have a clip of Ted Cruz responding to Rep. AOC.

The "abandonment of their sworn oath" is their raising objections to Joe Biden's electoral certification. I wanted to write "Biden's erectile dysfunction," but was afraid Facebook's fact-checkers wouldn't get the cheap attempt at sarcasm. Let's set aside my doubts that a single rioter or even protestor was motivated to be in D.C. by anything Cruz or Hawley said. Or knew Ted Hawley from Josh Cruz. The two senators, as well as anyone objecting to certification as Democrats have done in the past, were fulfilling their sworn oath.

You could disagree with them doing so. Many Americans do. You may think they're both giant jerkfaces and that they can't sit with you. But an elected official casting a vote or raising an objection you disagree with is NOT an abandonment of their sworn oath. It's them having a different opinion about a thing than you do.

I don't think calling for people to resign over having bad opinions is a road Rep. AOC really wants to go down.

from Steven Crowder Says