Monday, January 4, 2021

Prayer Opening 117th Congress Ends With Absurd, Politically Correct Version of 'Amen'

Prayer Opening 117th Congress Ends With Absurd, Politically Correct Version of 'Amen'
Brodigan - January 04, 2021 at 07:36AM

If you're at this website, it's safe to assume you've been to church at least a few times. You've no doubt said the word "amen" countless times. At no time saying it did you ever think of a man. Even if you didn't know the definition of "amen," it was just a thing you said at the end of a prayer. Hold that thought.

The 117th Congress opened over the weekend. Pelosi, with the slimmest majority any speaker has had in decades, wanted to get weird right from the jump. So they eliminated any "gendered" language from house rules. Crazy stuff like changing "son-in-law" to "child-in-law." I guess Democrats think if you are gender-confused, you'll be scouring through government documents looking to validate yourself. But what do I know? I'm only a parent's child and a sibling of someone who had a child.

But all that is Day 2 silliness. Day 3 brought us this:

I'm trying to think what is worse: Whether he knew that "amen" isn't a gendered word but thought he was being cute. A wink and a nod to all his fellow woke doucheburritos. Or if the person they had reciting a prayer has never recited a prayer before, knows nothing about religion, and thought that "amen" is literally talking about people who have penises.

My question now is, how far are we going to go? Nancy Pelosi has already shown how unsportsmanandwomanlike she is running Congress. She doesn't let the minority offer amenandawomendments to laws. Running Congress like this is going to be unmanandawomanageable. I can't wait to see what leftist newspeak brings us today!

from Steven Crowder Says