Thursday, January 21, 2021

Three Examples of Media Already Ignoring Joe Biden's Call for 'Unity'

Three Examples of Media Already Ignoring Joe Biden's Call for 'Unity'
Brodigan - January 21, 2021 at 07:14AM

My plan was to ease my way into the Biden administration. It was a nice plan. This is what people voted for. The best thing to do is to sit back and mock them once they realize what they voted for. I still trust my plan. We're talking about the policies Biden campaigned on while voters were busy shaking their fist at @RealDonaldTrump. Policies I find to be misguided as well as both job- and economy-destroying. What Biden did not campaign on was targeting everyone who disagreed with him as a potential domestic terrorist.

Biden called for unity and an end to "this uncivil war." Not all of his supporters in the media got the memo.

Employees of MSNBC calling for punishment against anyone who is a rival of MSNBC is a nice touch. One could counter that conservative media is speaking "their" truth. Since "your" truth is a thing I thought leftists were all about.

Here's Ben Rhodes. You may remember him from the Obama administration. As well as bragging about exploiting a low-information progressive media echo chamber to push the Iran Deal fame.

Joe Biden isn't my first new administration. "Unity" is a Latin word meaning "shut up and support the progressive agenda." Which, a) no; b) as far as policies and executive orders, that's what people didn't realize they voted for. In that regard, sit back and laugh as people discover the words "unintended consequences." Treating everyone who disagrees with that agenda as an enemy combatant in a "Domestic War on Terrorism" is something everyone slightly to the right of Rep. AOC should have a vocal problem with.

No, these three people from these three videos don't work for the Biden administration. They are just supporters of that administration and part of a progressive echo chamber where everyone agrees with everyone. Allegedly. Do you know who else is allegedly part of that echo chamber? The people working in the Biden administration. If this is what the left is saying out loud on Day One, let's see what they say next on days two through seven.

from Steven Crowder Says