Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Dan Crenshaw’s Had Enough, Calls on Texans to Defy Lockdown

Dan Crenshaw’s Had Enough, Calls on Texans to Defy Lockdown
Brodigan - January 06, 2021 at 09:51AM

We're told that it is a bad idea to mess with Texas. COVID didn't listen. COVID has been a dick like that. It messed with Texas, and Texas shut down for the initial fifteen days to flatten the curve. Two months after those fifteen days, Texas slowly started to open back up. Now on month ten after fifteen days to flatten the curve, Houston is imposing more restrictive lockdowns again. Houston Congressman Dan Crenshaw says nuts to that.

Before you panic porn addicts get your Fauci fundies in a bunch, Crenshaw isn't denying the virus. He's not calling on people to burn their masks or suggest you stand only five feet away from strangers. I'm sure he'll have an Instagram video sharing his thoughts in more detail. But it's January 6 and Congress is kinda busy today. What Crenshaw IS saying is that a lockdown isn't a law. It's unconstitutional. And it doesn't take two eyes to see that enough is enough.

This is based on an October executive order from Gov. Abbott, stating bars must close, hospitals must postpone elective surgeries and restaurants and other business establishments must reduce operating capacity from 75% to 50% in any area where a trauma service center has seven consecutive days in which hospital capacity exceeds 15%.

Maybe this is just me not being a scientist or an expert. But 15% of beds being used doesn't sound like a big deal. At least not "prevent an entire city from making a living" bad. This is the same Houston that had an expensive field hospital that WAS NEVER USED. Not sure who the "expert" was who signed off on that one.

Here's the thing that drives me insane as someone who doesn't own a business. I can't begin to imagine what it does to those who do. These lockdowns are decided with no rhyme or reason. No explanation to the businesses it affects. No suggestions or solutions on what to do. Just the demand that everyone has to bend over and take it. If you don't, you're a science denier who wants to kill grandma. According to the same experts who, now that we have a vaccine, don't care about Grandma.

It's time for people to say enough is enough. Which I know is easy for me to say, since I don't own a bar and restaurant of my own. My skin isn't in the game. However, I do enjoy food. Tacos and burgers are bae. Everyone knows how much I love the sauce. I'm also not alone. I will promise that if your business does defy the lockdowns, I and many other patriotic Americans will patronize the hell out of it. We have your back. With this, no hashtag, we really are all in this together.

from Steven Crowder Says