Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Frustrated Father Lights Up School Board Over Lockdowns: 'You Should All Be Fired ...'

Frustrated Father Lights Up School Board Over Lockdowns: 'You Should All Be Fired ...'
Brodigan - January 27, 2021 at 08:26AM

In March 2020, schools shut down along with the rest of the country. Students had to switch to remote learning. Parents had to suddenly figure out how to juggle supporting their families while suddenly being homeschoolers. Some schools still haven't gone back to in-person learning. How much you want to blame the teachers' unions for that, I'll let you decide that on your own. Perhaps this dance number will help.

Loudon County in Virginia appears to be one of those districts still closed, with no real answers for parents. This father, if I were to guess, speaks for many.

This is an opinion someone shared on Twitter. I am unable to verify at the current moment if this is true or not. But if I were to make an educated guess ...

I'm not a parent, but I'm friends with many who are. People who are in better situations than it sounds like this father is, yet I still see how much they're struggling. Parents like this man deserve actual answers and not catchphrases and hashtags.

from Steven Crowder Says