Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Jason Whitlock Exposes Why Liberals Exploit Sports to Push Their Agenda

Jason Whitlock Exposes Why Liberals Exploit Sports to Push Their Agenda
Brodigan - January 26, 2021 at 02:04PM

Tom Brady is heading to his tenth SuperBowl. If I were to make a single mortal lock bet, it would be that for the next two weeks, there will be almost as much talk about him being a Trump supporter as there will about whether he has a plan for the Kansas City Chiefs' defense. Politics over the past twelve years or so has crept into all aspects of entertainment, with sports getting it the worse. As Jason Whitlock explains, that wasn't an accident.

The military fly-overs, the national anthem before the game, and all of that — the NFL tried to make you feel like the most patriotic thing you could do on a Sunday is go to church and watch football.

Drink a lot of beer too. Don't forget about drinking beer. Beer and football go together like Democrats and killing jobs to appease left-wing activists. That's a joke, Facebook. A humorous figure of speech. Everyone knows you can't literally kill a job.

It was a brilliant business strategy that catapulted football to where it's America's favorite pastime. Then China and our competitors figured out, if you really want to influence American culture, you have to get into the sports world.

It's maddening if you either disagree with leftists or just want to enjoy a game without the social commentary. That's doesn't make it any less effective or smart policy. It's why Andrew Breitbart always said politics is downstream from culture. It's why Donald Trump wanted to save college football and had a summit with his fellow president. It's also why blue checkmarks trend on Twitter for idiotic nuggets like this.

Yes, I would like to live in a world where everything in our culture is not politicized. Especially sports, which is where I go to get away from politics. But that's not the world we live in. The left figured that out early on. The right, while making gains over the past few years, still has catching up to do.

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