Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Tulsi Gabbard Describes Big Tech in Two Words: Domestic Enemies

Tulsi Gabbard Describes Big Tech in Two Words: Domestic Enemies
Brodigan - January 26, 2021 at 08:41AM

Tulsi Gabbard is a former Democrat congresswoman. One who, on her way out, said a few things I'm sure her former Democrat colleagues disagreed with. Gabbard is concerned over her belief the Biden administration may look to wage a de facto "War on Domestic Terrorism." Comments from Biden supporters have not done anything to alleviate Gabbard's concerns. The video you are about to watch is one of a former congresswoman sharing her opinion. I am merely reporting that she said these words. Because you're most likely reading this post via Facebook, and ... well, you know.

The John Brennan's, Adam Schiffs and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally-protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style "surveillance" are also domestic enemies—and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob which stormed the capitol. President Biden, I call upon you and all of Congress from both parties to denounce efforts by Brennan and others to take away our civil liberties endowed to us by our Creator and guaranteed in our Constitution. If you don't stand up to them now, then our country will be in great peril.

Let me just say this. The news this week will most likely be dominated by Impeachment 2: Electric Booga — actually, I probably can't make that joke any more. If I were to guess, people in the media will claim if you oppose impeachment, you support the people responsible for January 6. However, two-thirds of senators would need to convict the former president. Mathematically speaking, it's not likely. My advice is to not waste your bandwidth having a strong opinion on impeachment one way or the other. Not when there might be more important issues to concern yourself about. Is what Tulsi says in this video one of those issues? That's on YOU to decide.

Of course, I have my thoughts. Thoughts I'd be freer to share via our newsletter, which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you sign up for today. There may be a clue as to why in this video from the boss ...

from Steven Crowder Says