Monday, January 11, 2021

Marco Rubio Offers Blunt Assessment: They're Coming After Everyone on the Right

Marco Rubio Offers Blunt Assessment: They're Coming After Everyone on the Right
Brodigan - January 11, 2021 at 07:56AM

It can't help but feel like we've seen this movie before. Something bad happens. There is a moment where we as a country can theoretically "come together." "Unity" is the popular buzzword. The left and the media (but I repeat myself) use the opportunity for an all-out (metaphorical) assault on anyone who disagrees with them on anything. I'll concede what happened Wednesday at the Capitol is the most extreme example we've seen. That sentence is the extent I'll concede it. Because as Sen. Marco Rubio points out, the left and the media are having less self-control than usual.

Rubio qualifies his point with a healthy denunciation of Wednesday's perpetrators. I hope enough for the folks in Palo Alto who will decide if you see this or not.

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