Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Joe Biden Calls Joe Biden a Dictator Back in October. Well, Kinda ...

Joe Biden Calls Joe Biden a Dictator Back in October. Well, Kinda ...
Brodigan - January 27, 2021 at 09:19AM

Joe Biden has been executive-ordering away the previous four years as best he can. Some might argue executive-ordering thousands of jobs away in the process. What's fascinating is that I recall Donald Trump signing a few executive orders in his day. When Trump did it, it reeked of being a little dictatory in the eyes of his opponents. One of those opponents? Joe Biden.

Hey, I found an area of agreement with Joe Biden. Now, let's take a look at the scoreboard.

I'm not an idiot. I know the game. I get the hustle. Politics is increasingly governed by the tit-for-tat article of the Constitution. Executive orders are the dopeness when you agree with the person signing the executive order. For four years, any time the media attacked Trump for signing one, we all pointed out all the times the media ignored Obama signing them. Just like the media are currently ignoring their own past attacks on Trump while they look the other way for Biden. Fine. I could make arguments about checks and balances and the way legislating is supposed to be. But not only has the toothpaste been squeezed out of that tube, it's also all over the vanity. The bathroom mirror too. Biden wrote the word "poop" in it.

I'm just going to laugh in four years when a Republican president signs away all of Joe's EOs. Thirty-seven in a week? Those are rookie numbers.

from Steven Crowder Says