Monday, January 4, 2021

AOC Claims She's 'No Bulls***,' Hints at Challenging Chuck Schumer in the Senate

AOC Claims She's 'No Bulls***,' Hints at Challenging Chuck Schumer in the Senate
Brodigan - January 04, 2021 at 01:55PM

Congresswoman AOC primarying Chuck Schumer would be the greatest thing to happen. Let's be honest with ourselves. The next two years in politics are going to be a sh*tshow of colossal proportions. We're going to be begging for the sanity of 2020. Just when we think we scraped the last bit of fecal matter off of the fan, the 2024 presidential race will start. Everything is going to be horrible and terrible and "oh my God, these people are all idiots." All we can do is enjoy the sweet schadenfreude when the bad things happen to our opponents. Like the chaos caused when this leftist thought leader challenges Nancy Pelosi's errand boy.

Rep. AOC spoke to something called Punchbowl News. Allegedly. It's a newsletter. I'm trusting an NBC News reporter to be accurately portraying what Ocasio-Cortez said. Rep. AOC doesn't appear to be heeding establishment warnings.

The funny thing about people who claim to be no bullsh*t? They're usually the most bullsh*t. Rep. AOC may be a silly person. But she's still a silly person who is a politician. Political Hackery 101 teaches us if you aren't thinking of running, you straight-up stay so. You don't hint. You don't dodge. You definitely don't whiff at an opportunity to praise your future opponent.

Plus, there are rumors that her congressional seat may be redistricted. I personally don't buy that. I can't see the New York Democrat establishment erasing a NYC seat when there are perfectly good Republican seats in upstate New York. But stranger things have happened. Maybe they are going to eliminate Rep. AOC. Maybe she knows this already. All the more reason for her to write "Chuck and Nancy" in her burn book.

The year just started. Anything can happen. Please join me in praying that AOC vs. Chuckles is one of those things. Forget anything AEW or the UFC puts out. THAT would be the most entertaining brawl of the year.

from Steven Crowder Says