Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Buffalo Bills Fans Launch Petition Banning Andrew Cuomo from Playoff Game ... and It May Have Worked!

Buffalo Bills Fans Launch Petition Banning Andrew Cuomo from Playoff Game ... and It May Have Worked!
Brodigan - January 06, 2021 at 12:03PM

The Buffalo Bills have one of the most loyal and passionate fan bases in all of sports. They may have just figuratively put Andrew Cuomo through a table.

If you aren't familiar with the "Bills Mafia," search the word on Barstool Sports. Enjoy videos of tailgating the way it's meant to be: drinking, breaking tables, and winning. The Bills won their division this year. Though none of the Bills Mafia were allowed to be there for a game or to shotgun a single beer in the parking lot. You see, Buffalo is in New York. New York is governed by Andrew Cuomo, who is the guy refusing to allow fans in attendance. This ranks between nursing homes and vaccine distribution in things Cuomo has been a miserable failure at. For a lot of Bills fans. I'm sure Facebook fact-checkers may disagree.

Chris' Idiot Brother thought he'd be a hero to fans by allowing 10% of them to attend the first playoff game. After all, he was giving them back freedom he took away to begin with. Cuomo was even going to go to the game himself to get his "thank you." Instead, some fans are giving him a "suck it" with a petition banning him from the game.

So Cuomo is going to attend our playoff game after telling us that we can only attend at less than 10% capacity? If he thinks he has more right to a seat in that stadium over people who have waited over 20 years for this opportunity, then people better be there to protest his entry. This is OUR team! This is OUR home. We don't want you here.

These petitions are usually a joke. People use them to collect signatures, or just to poke fun at someone. This petition, on the other hand, may actually have worked! Andy wasn't BANNED from the game per se. But he did suddenly decide not to go.

Did he give the ticket away out of the goodness of his heart? Or is he not going because of bad press? That answer depends on what type of a guy you think Andrew Cuomo is. So yes, it's most likely the former. Congratulations, Bills Mafia! This may be the first time a petition was somewhat successful. Enjoy the game on Saturday, sanctimonious politician-free. I'll be down here in my Jack Kemp throwback joining you in spirit.

from Steven Crowder Says