Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Chris Cuomo Attacks Marco Rubio as 'Mr. Bible Boy,' but Rubio's Quick to Punch Back

Chris Cuomo Attacks Marco Rubio as 'Mr. Bible Boy,' but Rubio's Quick to Punch Back
Brodigan - January 05, 2021 at 12:22PM

Chris Cuomo is a garbage human being. Plus a liar. Also, an idiot. Cuomo is hands-down the worst at CNN. Jim Acosta is a sanctimonious douche. Don Lemon is an egotistical asshole. Brian Stelter is a potato. Cuomo combines the worst of all of them. Plus I'm fairly certain a lot of his weightlifting videos are fake.

Where Cuomo's obnoxiousness truly shines is during the handoff between him and Dead Johnny Mathis. Last night they were carrying on about Donald Trump, per usual. For whatever reason, it turned into an attack on Sen. Marco Rubio. More specifically, Rubio's religion.

The man [Trump] called little Marco. You know, Mr. Bible boy. He's got a Bible quote for every moment. He just never speaks truth to power.

This is a guy most known for giving his governor brother a tongue bath every night on the "news." Take the criticism of anyone else not "speaking truth to power" and stick it up your nose. "Mr. Bible Boy" may talk about the stigmata. Chris Cuomo ignores the elderly blood on the hands of big bro Andy.

Also, if the "Catholic" Cuomo ever went to church, he would know where Rubio's Bible quotes come from, as Rubio explains in this somewhat disappointingly milquetoast "clap-back." Ted Cruz would have at least tweeted a Fredo .gif or something. Just saying.

A better response would be telling Cuomo where he could shove the Bible. Actually, that would be sacrilegious. I won't suggest the Koran, because I enjoy having my head where it is now. We need a book with no redeeming value. Maybe he can take a copy of big brother's American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it up the orifice he talks the most out of.

WHAT A PIECE OF SH*T: Chris Cuomo | Louder with Crowder youtu.be

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