Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Enjoy Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis DESTROYING a CNN Reporter Over His Vaccine Rollout

Enjoy Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis DESTROYING a CNN Reporter Over His Vaccine Rollout
Brodigan - January 05, 2021 at 07:34AM

Many things can be said about President Trump. One of the net positives is him writing the blueprint for Republicans on how to handle the press. Few people have studied those blueprints closer than Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. It could be why so many consider him a potential presidential candidate. It could also be why the media go on the attack any chance they get. Especially over COVID-related things. The New York governor with a less stellar record? Media praise. The Florida governor who has his state opened up and things under control better than most others? Nothing but media scorn. Which, as a side note, Floridians aren't known for escaping to New York in record numbers.

A CNN reporter tried to challenge the governor with a question that sounds like a DNC flack wrote it. Well, not so much a question; more of a monologue. Watch DeSantis pick her apart masterfully.

The governor wasn't going to let the reporter go into business for herself. She asked a question. DeSantis answered once the question was done. Everything else she wanted to say was irrelevant, other than her desperate attempt to get YASSSS KWEEN'd by liberal Twitter. What DeSantis did was an effective one one-two punch. The jab was him calling the reporter out on bullsh*t. The hook was him answering the question effectively. It's why CNN couldn't drop a "DeSantis avoids question" chyron. So they went with "DeSantis lashes out." Don't ever tell me the media plays sides!

Even though CNN has made it clear whose it's on, I'd invest the time clicking through Drew's entire thread. This snippet provides a nice "tale of the tape."

This is the game now. Not that the press has ever been fair to Republicans. But the press has shown its true colors over the last four years. Anyone who thinks things will "get back to normal" post-Trump should consider pulling their head out of their rear end. It's not enough for the right to be right or have a stellar record and list of accomplishments. They need to be skilled in dealing with reporters who clearly have an agenda, one that clearly isn't to inform the American people. Ron DeSantis is someone who understands that. If you're starting your 2024 fantasy team, I'd consider drafting him in the early rounds.

from Steven Crowder Says