Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Flashback: The Media Doesn't Mind Electoral Objections When Democrats Are Doing It

Flashback: The Media Doesn't Mind Electoral Objections When Democrats Are Doing It
Brodigan - January 06, 2021 at 08:08AM

Today, there will be a joint session of Congress to certify the results of the Electoral College. If you have been awake at all for the last two months, you know that many people object to the results. Objecting to the results is nothing new. Liberals objected in 2016 when they allegedly threatened to murder or burn alive anyone who voted for Trump. In 2020, Trump supporters object over accusations of alleged voter fraud and other irregularities. Some Republican senators and congressmen plan to address those concerns. They've announced they'll be objecting to certification today. For which they are called "enemies of democracy."

You're going to hear similar things on cable news and across media Twitter today. Here's the funny thing, if funny things made you stabby. When Democrats were the ones objecting, the media sang a different tune. Newsbusters has a handy montage about it.

“This week, we're going to be able to measure exactly how many Republicans in Congress still believe in democracy," CNN's John Avlon hyperbolically proclaimed on Monday's New Day.

But Democrats in Congress have protested every Republican presidential election for the past 20 years, without the media accusing them of attacking democracy itself.

I've always considered myself a rational and non-paranoid person. But the way the media attacks in unison anyone who raises the slightest question reeks of "What are you people afraid of?" It's not that they are shutting down what they feel are illegitimate questions. It's that they feel ANY question is illegitimate. All that has done has created more people losing faith in the system and the results. That's at the core of why some elected officials are issuing challenges today.

What Republicans are doing today is no different from what Democrats have done repeatedly. There may be more of them doing it. It may seem different because social media makes everything terrible. Twitter can be nothing but a giant can of gasoline pouring itself over already flammable materials. But this is their job: raising questions and debating the answers. If you think that make someone an enemy of democracy, I don't think democracy is what you believe in.

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