Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tucker Carlson Shows How Political Elites Have Used COVID to Go Tyrannical

Tucker Carlson Shows How Political Elites Have Used COVID to Go Tyrannical
Brodigan - May 07, 2020 at 09:09AM

Over three million new people filed for unemployment last week. That means now more than 33 million people have needed to file for unemployment since the COVID-19 shutdown started. A rational person would look at the number and say, "Golly, maybe we need to start opening back up. Or least have a conversation." Yet before you finish that sentence, you're already attacked for literally wanting people to die literally. Just shut up and listen to your betters.

Tucker Carlson had a segment on it. It focused a lot on the Dallas salon owner (see POLICE APPROACH DALLAS SALON OWNER WHO WOULDN'T COMPLY WITH 'NON-ESSENTIAL' WORK ORDER and DALLAS SALON OWNER JAILED FOR REFUSING TO CLOSE. THE JUDGE'S STATEMENT IS FRIGHTENING!). But that's hardly the only example.

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