Brodigan - May 12, 2020 at 10:01AM

Over the weekend, a video of the C&C Breakfast and Korean Kitchen in Colorado went viral for being open on Mother's Day. If you, like me, were too busy spending the day with your mom to notice, it's probably because you're not a leftist assclown looking to rob people of their livelihood. Which, for this Colorado business owner, they've succeeded in doing for now.
“I had one person call me a Nazi and a white supremacist, and I said well I'm not even white so… I'm Spanish and Korean. We've had people say they want to burn the place down and hope we all die from coronavirus," said owner Jesse Arellano.
“We need to start doing something about this before we all crash and burn. I know there's a lot of restaurants here shutting their doors. We're losing a lot of our very small, interesting cultural restaurants. We're losing all those."
This is where we are (see TATTOO PARLOR OWNER MAKES A PATRIOTIC STATEMENT BEFORE HE'S ARRESTED and DALLAS SALON OWNER JAILED FOR REFUSING TO CLOSE. THE JUDGE'S STATEMENT IS FRIGHTENING). Outrage over someone opening his business on Mother's Day. If I were a betting man, I'd be fairly confident that most of the outrage came from people who don't even live anywhere near the state of Colorado. A lot of it probably even came from angry New York City leftists jealous that thanks to the New York City virus, they can't go to their favorite brunch spot. I doubt many people from within the actual community were that upset. They were too busy enjoying all-you-can-drink mimosas.
I have an idea. If you don't live in the vicinity of business that wants to open — you know, what with the desire to provide for families and whatnot — keep your piehole shut over that business opening. If you're afraid of catching the rona, then don't go out. But the rest of us can go out.
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