Brodigan - May 29, 2020 at 08:23AM

George Floyd was murdered. The police who murdered him should be held accountable. Most people are in agreement with that. Now that I have signaled my virtue there, I failed to see how burning down a police station helps anything. Kudos to Julio Rosas from Townhall, who is doing an amazing job covering the riots on the ground.
Here's what I would like to see from reporters who are there on the ground, which, to be clear, is not a knock on them, especially when they're putting themselves in harm's way so that we see what's happening. You always hear "say their name." It's a popular catchphrase from leftists, so that we know the names of the people who were victims. It's supposedly the best way to signal the virtue of your wokeness.
I'd like to see a reporter go up to these people rioting and ask them to "say his name." See how many of them know that it's George Floyd. Because if I had to guess, a lot of these guys are just rioting to riot, destroying to destroy, and don't know or don't care who George Floyd was.
from Steven Crowder Says