Brodigan - May 22, 2020 at 10:04AM

This may be the most Joe Biden thing Joe Biden has ever said. I don't know what it is about the Breakfast Club that makes Democrats clown themselves (see HILLARY PANDERS (AGAIN) FOR BLACK VOTE. FAILS MISERABLY... and CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD COMPARES ELIZABETH WARREN TO RACHEL DOLEZAL RIGHT TO HER FACE). But Joe Biden ... fam, what is you doin'?
Not being a member of the African-American community, I'm not here to tell those who are what issues they should care about and who they should vote for. That's for other white people to do. But I can't imagine an answer like Biden gave is going to play well with black voters. Especially when all it did was validate Charlamagne tha God's comments about Democrats in the first place.
To paraphrase noted political scientist DJ Khalid, Biden played himself.
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