Brodigan - May 28, 2020 at 10:49AM

The cops who murdered George Floyd need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Full stop. I'm not saying there shouldn't be a fair trial or the ability to defend themselves. Wait for facts to come out and all that. But I'm comfortable enough, going by the footage, to say what I said, as well as how disgusted I am. Also disgusting are the riots and the looting (see also BALTIMORE MAYOR: "WE ALSO GAVE THOSE WHO WISHED TO DESTROY SPACE TO DO THAT AS WELL." and THE TOP 5 "LIBERAL" PROTESTS THAT TURNED VIOLENT). Burning down a Target and stealing televisions IS NOT a protest to bring justice to the Floyd family and speak out against police brutality. Both ideas are able exist in the same brain.
This is nowhere better explained than by these two self-professed rednecks. SPOILER: They were out to protest FOR justice for George Floyd. But there's more.
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