Brodigan - May 27, 2020 at 08:17AM

Joe Biden needs to read a copy of Jocko Willink's "Extreme Ownership." Or at least read one of Jocko's new children's books, which Biden may better understand. The presidential candidate and accused rapist started his Memorial Day weekend by telling "The Breakfast Club" host Charlamagne Tha God that if a black person votes for Trump, they ain't black. Which is a colossally stupid thing to say. Also, as a side note, you would think candidates would know by now that if they are coming to "The Breakfast Club" they, to quote the vernacular, best come correct (see HILLARY PANDERS (AGAIN) FOR BLACK VOTE. FAILS MISERABLY... and CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD COMPARES ELIZABETH WARREN TO RACHEL DOLEZAL RIGHT TO HER FACE). But Joe barely knows what day it is.
However, Biden isn't the only one to blame because he's an idiot. Blame the questioner as well.
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