Brodigan - May 28, 2020 at 10:19AM

Everything sucks and is terrible. Especially this week (see GOV. WHITMER ADDRESSES MICHIGAN AFTER HER HUSBAND IS BUSTED FOR 'JOKING' ABOUT HIS POLITICAL ADVANTAGES and MSNBC REPORTER COMPLAINS NO ONE IS WEARING MASKS. BYSTANDER SAYS THE CAMERA CREW ISN'T WEARING MASKS EITHER!). I'm sure next week will be bad too. The week after, don't even get me started. But one woman who is loving life right now is Jennie Steja. Steja has survived two pandemics, two world wars, a great depression, a great recession, the Carter administration, and that weird time in the '60s when people were walking around with pet rocks. Now she's survived the New York City virus as well! To celebrate, she did what you would expect a 103-year-old to do: Crushing beers.
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