Monday, May 18, 2020

Mike Rowe: COVID-19 Has Exposed How Expensive (and Unnecessary) College Is

Mike Rowe: COVID-19 Has Exposed How Expensive (and Unnecessary) College Is
Brodigan - May 18, 2020 at 08:08AM

There are a few silver linings coming out of the 'rona brouhaha (aka the New York City virus). Lots of government regulations we're seeing that don't need to be regulated in the first place. Many of the "green" initiatives (like banning plastic bags and straws), it turns out, are bad for your health. Also, we're seeing how unnecessarily expensive (and unnecessary in general) college is. Not to mention, it can be safer to take classes on Zoom (see VIOLENT LEFTIST ATTACKS COLLEGE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT AT SACRAMENTO STATE and ANGRY FEMINIST ATTACKS COLLEGE REPUBLICAN AT CHICO STATE).

Mike Rowe has been singing from the "cuck follege" hymnal for some time. Now he has data and evidence to back him up!

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