Courtney Kirchoff - May 12, 2020 at 01:23PM

This is everything. Rand Paul, who has been one of the only voices of sanity during this contest over who can shove their head the deepest in the sand, just confronted the overhyped (in my opinion) Dr. Fauci about faulty COVID-19 models which led us to this stupid shutdown that far too many morons are insisting is saving lives. Seriously, you people insisting we continue the shutdown are morons in the most literal sense. Watch Rand Paul and be enlightened.
Rand Paul: "There have been more people wrong about modeling than right. There are people on the other side saying there's not going to be a surge."
Dr. Fauci: "Yeah, but liberals say I'm like Brad Pitt. I never said I was going to be right about everything, but if you think I'm going to admit I was wrong and maybe advised Trump incorrectly, shut up because my reputation."
Okay, I made up the quote above from Dr. Fauci. But I was reading between the lines.
Look, what decisions were made early on in this COVID crap are quite forgivable. We knew very little about the virus and China wasn't helping. It was hard to know what this thing would do. So the first two weeks of all the crazy, I'm willing to be empathetic toward everyone who thought their actions were the best course.
However, to ignore the data about this virus, its mortality, rate of infection, and who it does and does not affect, in order to save face, is unacceptable. COVID-19 is a dud. I'm sorry if you or someone you know has gotten very sick from it or died from it. But people die of influenza every year. We do not put the country on lockdown every flu season. People are losing their lives over the shutdown, in addition to losing everything they've built in their lives.
Fauci, Birx, and TRUMP should've adapted with the new data and adapted their plans with the new data, not doubled down on false modeling for any reason.
End the shutdown.
from Steven Crowder Says