Brodigan - May 19, 2020 at 08:38AM

My morning starts around 6:30 a.m. Eastern. I make myself a cup of coffee, play a few rounds of Angry Birds 2 on my phone, then head to my study to start my work day by scouring the internet for the day's news. For every single news story that catches the slightest bit of my interest, there are at least ten that have me yelling "HOW IN THE NAME OF JEBUS IS THIS EVEN A THING?" Like a boutique clothing line that is selling Andrew Cuomo underpants. For that special lady who has completely given up on life.
Here's the deal ... Los Angeles-based clothing brand Canava just rolled out a new line of women's underwear branded with the last names of the newly-minted sex symbols ... and it's looking like the most genius quarantine move since washing your hands.
NY Gov. Cuomo started the new wave, and honchos at Canava tell us they're already cleaned out of half his limited edition in just a few weeks, creating a market for Dr. Fauci and Gov. Newsom.
The company has been cleaned out of their Cuomo inventory just like Andrew Cuomo's incompetence has cleaned out New York's nursing homes (see ANDREW CUOMO SAYS PEOPLE WILL DIE NO MATTER WHAT IS DONE and NEW YORK JUST DISCOVERS 1,700 NEW COVID-19 DEATHS FROM NURSING HOMES).
I don't care how much of a smoke show you are: If the pants are sliding off and the word "Cuomo" starts peeking out, the pants are being pulled right back up, a headache is being faked, and I'm claiming that I'll call tomorrow even though we both know what's really happening right now. Unless you're really hot, but I doubt that would be the case. The woman actually buying Cuomo — or Dr. Fauci — underpants most likely is only showing them to her eleventy cats, as she sits there ranking her top ten all-time episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Before the Fauci panties get thrown on the pile with her Beto thong.
from Steven Crowder Says