Brodigan - May 13, 2020 at 08:18AM

If you've watched cable news or know any leftists on social media, you've seen a lot of angry posts about Georgia and Florida, particularly their Republican governors, who are recklessly ignoring science to reopen their states and not caring that they're making the people who live there at risk of catching COVID-19. AKA the New York City Virus (see REPORT: LOOKS LIKE NYC MIGHT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPREADING COVID NATION-WIDE and BILL DE BLASIO GETS CALLED OUT FOR BEING A FAILURE IN HANDLING CORONAVIRUS).
There was going to be a SURGE in 'rona cases thanks to these conservative Christian MAGA-loving Trump-supporting Southern governors who care more about the stock market than about people's lives. "THEY JUST WANT HAIRCUTS" is another popular critique that gets tossed around. Here's the rub, though. At least as of now, the facts and science don't back up the liberal attacks. It's actually been the opposite.
Some of the states that skeptics were most worried about, including Florida and Georgia, haven't seen the rise in total cases that some experts feared.
Florida's new cases actually declined by 14% compared to the previous week, and Georgia's fell by 12%.
Here's a theory for leftists to disregard completely. Maybe the people who run Florida and Georgia have a better sense of what needs to be done in Florida and Georgia than someone from outside Florida and Georgia. At least more so than a blogger from Park Slope or anyone who works for the media in Washington, D.C. Maybe, just maybe, it's possible to look at the NEW data that has come out over the past month and decide that maybe it's time to reopen some places of business at 25% capacity if the people who go there wear masks. Or don't. Choices.
Because again, Georgia and Florida (as well as other states) didn't just turn the economy back on and tell everyone to go wild out in the streets. They're still being overly cautious and slowly getting things back to normal. But it's time to get back to normal. The REAL normal. None of the "new normal" jive.
from Steven Crowder Says