Brodigan - May 21, 2020 at 08:00AM

Congratulations to the class of 2020. On behalf of a grateful America, I'm so, so sorry that your end-of-the-year rager at Delta House was replaced by the car parade outside your house. Blame Bill de Blasio and Andrew Cuomo for spreading the New York City virus instead of the news, like Mr. Francis Albert Sinatra suggested. But hopefully you got to do at least one keg stand with your mom.
Mike Rowe would like to congratulate the class of 2020 too. Specifically, the forgotten class of 2020 who chose NOT to take on an insane amount of debt for a four-year degree. Sure, his commencement address does serve as a commercial for his controversial work ethic scholarship (assuming you don't know what the word controversial means), but like most of Rowe's videos, he makes important points in a humorous way.
As you advance in the skilled trades, don't completely dismiss the liberal arts just because the cost of a degree has become scandalous. Fact is, universities are no longer the sole repositories of worthwhile information. If you have a smartphone and a connection to the internet, then you have access to every single thing currently for sale in the classrooms and lecture halls of America's finest universities FOR FREE!
On behalf of the class of 1998, who is in a career that didn't exist when he went to college and who went to community and state college for a grand total of under $10,000, a four-year university degree isn't everything it's advertised to be. Especially seeing how for most of the people I know IRL who are doing something they love and/or are successful at, it's something they didn't go to school for. What's more important is your work ethic and being able to identify opportunity when it reveals itself to you so that you don't waste it.
But that's just me. If you want a crippling amount of debt for a liberal arts degree that you're going to find out four years later is worthless, that's cool too.
from Steven Crowder Says