Courtney Kirchoff - May 19, 2020 at 05:42PM

Well, well, well. After close to four years of crying wolfgang that Donald Trump was "literally Hitler" turns out the real Nazis were none other than you. Don't kid yourselves, that last sentence was feigned surprise. We've known all along that many foot soldiers in the Democrat ranks are power-hungry fiends. But you've tried to keep your brownshirts hidden. Until now. COVID-19 and the insane shutdown surrounding it has revealed your true identities. There's no more pretending anymore, is there? Over the past couple of months, you've gobbled up power through fascist government overreach, dictating what people can and cannot do with their own lives, and encouraging Americans to actually rat out other Americans.
If you're looking for a way to customize the masks you wear just for show, may I suggest be-speckling them with swastikas.
Some may object to the tenor of this column, saying it's inflammatory, and how dare I suggest that Democrats are Nazis. To them I'd say this:
Oh no, I'm not done. Those are just quick tweets to make the initial point. But let me show you rising star, or maybe that's iron cross, Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. Her shutdown policies have sparked the ire of many in Michigan who feel — rightly — their First Amendment rights have been steamrolled. In response to such protesters, Whitmer said:
"I am not going to make decisions about our public health based on political games. I will make them based on the best science, data, what our epidemiologists and public health experts are telling us."
That's cute. Not that facts matter when embodying dictatorial assholes, but the oft-cited study used to justify the shutdown has been thoroughly ridiculed. I love your despotic governors want to ignore recent data and science about COVID-19 in order to favor the junk science which started and perpetuates the shutdown.
More from Frauline Whitmer:
"Politics has no business when we are talking about saving lives. Every person in this state matters to me, whether you agree with this order or not, we have to be vigilant. Now is the time to do the right thing, and that is continuing the stay-at-home order, continuing the state of emergency, continuing to do our part. We will get through this, but we are not going to play politics when people's lives are on the line."
I spot a common thread: "Doing the right thing" as decided by a Democrat > your rights as Americans.
But you know what they say. One is a fluke, two is a trend. So let's move onto another tyrannical governor, Gavin Newsom of California.
First, a few sciency mentions, not that it matters when your party's leadership is hitting the accelerator on fascism. At least two serology tests that I know of have come out of California, showing the fatality rate of COVID-19 is far lower than once thought, the infection rate far higher. Meaning more people in California have actually HAD the virus and now possess antibodies. Additionally, two doctors out of Kern, California went viral for an informative video discussing the actual data on COVID-19, the futility of masks (even ones adorned with swastikas), and that orders to "stay safe" and "stay home" were likely more about control than safety. No wonder YouTube removed it. Further, COVID-19 rates have been dropping for a while. It's also been discovered that, shocker of all shocks, being out in the sun is good for combating coronavirus. Okay? Okay.
No matter, Gavin Newsom has not only wanted businesses to remain shutdown, he wanted beaches shutdown. And he wants the shutdown to continue for three months.
Putting people under house arrest, only allowing them places you say they're allowed, that's right up there with the favored practices of those with bad mustaches and the penchant to throw their arms out at a particular angle. There are also orders that residents of L.A. are not allowed out of their homes unless they're masked. That order came from L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti. A Democrat.
Let's not also forget esteemed tyrant Jay Inslee, governor of Washington, who happens to be up for re-election. For some reason there's an obsession with restaurants. He recently said he wanted restaurants to log guests who came and went. Yes, like getting people's papers please. I wrote about that in full here: WA Gov. Jay Inslee Goes Full Nazi, Wants Restaurant to Record Customers with Daily Logs.
Noticing a trend? And spare me this is all about "keeping us safe." This has zero to do with keeping us safe, and everything to do with keeping us controlled, in line, and aware of who is in charge. You think you're in charge. You think you have all the power. You want all the power. You want to dictate how we live our lives, who we live those lives with, what we do with our lives, with the constant reminder that we do everything with YOUR consent and YOUR permission.
So, Nazis. Are you loading people up in cattle cars to be gassed? Of course not. Based on what I've seen, y'all are fascist control freaks and you seem to take it personally when people make decisions for their own lives that run contrary to your command.
If "Nazi" isn't the right term, tell me what is.

from Steven Crowder Says