Brodigan - May 11, 2020 at 08:24AM

On Friday, while you were hopefully out enjoying your state's relaxing of COVID-19 shutdown regulations, there was drama on the Twitters. It started when Jimmy Kimmel used a grossly deceptively edited video to attack Vice President Mike Pence. The media of course ran with it without doing any reporting of their own, because the one journalistic standard they all have is, "I saw this thing on Twitter. Whoa if true." Once it was clear the video was bullcookies, the media let out a collective "whoopsie."
Ted Cruz wasn't having it and wound up going back and forth with the Trump-obsessed Joe Scarborough (in between getting his hair did). There was this one Cruz tweet, however, that needs to be printed out and hung in a museum. Sorry, Axl Rose. Morning Joe just won the week for being on the wrong end of the most savage tweetdown ever.
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