Thursday, May 21, 2020

Dan Crenshaw Nukes Kamala Harris' Silly Virtue-Signaling Over COVID

Dan Crenshaw Nukes Kamala Harris' Silly Virtue-Signaling Over COVID
Brodigan - May 21, 2020 at 10:22AM

It seems like so long ago when our biggest concern was what to call the Chinese virus. I say "concern" in the sense of laughing heartily at people who thought it was a concern (see BILL MAHER UNLOADS ON LIBERALS CRYING RACISM OVER 'CHINESE VIRUS' and MEDIA SAYS CALLING COVID-19 "WUHAN" IS RACIST, SO HERE'S A MONTAGE OF MEDIA CALLING COVID-19 THE "WUHAN"). Apparently Kamala Harris was too distracted by her failed presidential race to notice. Because here we are months later, and here she is with a resolution looking to make everything racist.

It aims to “condemn and denounce anti-Asian sentiment, racism, discrimination, and religious intolerance" related to the coronavirus, and specifically cites phrases such as “Wuhan virus," “Chinese virus," and “Kung-flu."

Smell that? That's the smell of someone desperate to be on Joe Biden's short list for vice president. She might just as well have held up a sign, "Hey, Joe! Remember me? I'm the one who shived you at the debate. Boy, do I look stupid. No hard feelings, though, right?"

When I first read about this, my eyes rolled so hard it distracted my brain from thinking of a witty retort. Dan Crenshaw only has half that problem. The congressman decided such an unserious resolution deserves an equally unserious response.

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