Courtney Kirchoff - May 18, 2020 at 11:14AM

Not sure how many times I've heard Trump say "If it wasn't for the shutdown, 2.5 million Americans would've died." What I do know is that my eyeballs nearly detached from my orbital cavity every time such malarkey was uttered. The Pandemic Porn prediction of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL DIE OMG was based on Neil Ferguson's deathly hopeful model which has been widely criticized and now has been tested. Modeling experts out of Britain have now said the model is a jumbled mess.
Professor Neil Ferguson's computer coding was derided as "totally unreliable" by leading figures, who warned it was "something you wouldn't stake your life on".
The model, credited with forcing the Government to make a U-turn and introduce a nationwide lockdown, is a "buggy mess that looks more like a bowl of angel hair pasta than a finely tuned piece of programming", says David Richards, co-founder of British data technology company WANdisco.
Might be time to use your mask as toilet paper. Let's be real, you can't stop putting your hands on it, adjusting it because it's so uncomfortable to wear a face diaper. But congratulations, now we all know how much you care.
"There appears to be a bug in either the creation or re-use of the network file. If we attempt two completely identical runs, only varying in that the second should use the network file produced by the first, the results are quite different," the Edinburgh researchers wrote.
"Models must be capable of passing the basic scientific test of producing the same results given the same initial set of parameters … otherwise, there is simply no way of knowing whether they will be reliable," said Michael Bonsall, Professor of Mathematical Biology at Oxford University.
Brace yourselves: the disease was never as bad as Neil Ferguson likely wanted it to be. Heck, he didn't even abide by his own shutdown rules. We essentially shut down the global economy for a cough. Some of us have been saying our reaction to COVID-19 was a giant mistake and even a gross OVERREACTION the moment we learned who this virus adversely affected (elderly with underlying health conditions) and who it didn't (just about everyone else). At that point, some of us tried sounding the alarm that maybe we shouldn't be so hasty with lockdowns or quarantining healthy people in order to "slow the spread" or "flatten the curve." Terms which everyone has conveniently forgotten as the goalposts shifted to controlling every aspect of your life until no one dies from the WuHuFlu. At the same point, those of us saying "maybe this is a terrible idea with dire consequences" were told we hated old people and wanted millions of people to die. Some of us even said the COVID-19 nonsense was a way to push socialism. Some of us haven't been subtle.
So at this point, I'm going to say on behalf of all those who went insane knowing the shutdown was a mistake and the virus not nearly as bad as predicted: TOLD YOU SO!
I'm sorry if that's hard to hear, but no I am not. What I am sorry about is over 30 million people unemployed, businesses lost forever, and very likely some awful secondary affects of shutting down not just the economy, but the medical sector, deeming some medical care "non-essential." Depression, suicides, substance abuse and God only knows what else will likely skyrocket over this shutdown to "flatten the curve."
End the shutdown. It never should've happened. All you people still demanding we stay shutdown for your own selfish reasons or fears can stay home. But you cannot make the world revolve around your self-centered nature.
The rest of us have lives to live.
from Steven Crowder Says