Brodigan - May 28, 2020 at 08:20AM

I don't have a side in the the great mask wars. My mom checks off a few at-risk boxes, so I wear one when I leave the house to do errands. That's the extent of how much I think about it, other than a few eyerolls over how some of you take it to Defcon Eleventy on social media (see THIS WOMAN FORGOT HER MASK, SO SHE DROPPED HER PANTS AND PUT HER PANTIES ON HER HEAD and MSNBC REPORTER COMPLAINS NO ONE IS WEARING MASKS. BYSTANDER SAYS THE CAMERA CREW ISN'T WEARING MASKS EITHER!). You do you, I'ma do me. That sort of deal.
But do you want to know what doesn't help matters? When undisputed expert in all the things Dr. Anthony Fauci M.D. says crap like this on news-entertainment channels like CNN.
"I want to protect myself and protect others, and also because I want to make it be a symbol for people to see that that's the kind of thing you should be doing," Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert and a member of the White House's coronavirus task force, told CNN's Jim Sciutto on "Newsroom."
Fauci said he believes that while wearing a mask is not "100% effective," it is a valuable safeguard and shows "respect for another person."
Everyone has to wear a mask — even though they aren't 100% effective — because it symbolizes the essence of who we are as members of society.
To be clear, undisputed expert in all the things Dr. Anthony Fauci M.D. is almost literally saying that you should wear a mask just to virtue-signal over it. I'm honestly at a loss over what to say here, because my initial response to this is to throw my mask in his face and scream "it's MAGA up in the piece sucka" just to be spiteful.
We're supposed to be able to trust the "experts." But that requires a coherent set of guidelines that doesn't contradict the coherent set of guidelines that were give the week before that, it turns out, weren't coherent in the first place, just like these new guidelines. At no point have we had that.
from Steven Crowder Says