Tarah Price - May 17, 2020 at 03:33PM

Have you ever gone for a 12-mile jog, entered the home of a stranger, ran when confronted by a neighborhood resident, and charged a concerned resident who was holding a shotgun? No? Me either.
It should go without saying that life is precious, making the loss of life tragic, no matter the circumstances. However, it's entirely reasonable to assume the intent of a person is malicious when they choose to enter a home unlawfully, then runs when someone asks them WTF they are doing.
As the Ahmaud Arbery case unfolds, the mainstream media is doing what it does — taking full advantage of the opportunity to race bait until their little hearts are content.
Now, please sit back and enjoy some biting and poignant commentary from Steven Crowder and the HodgeTwins as they make sense of out of the known facts in the Ahmaud Arbery case.
from Steven Crowder Says