Brodigan - May 07, 2020 at 09:18AM
Guns 'n' Roses remains one of the greatest rock 'n' roll bands of all time. Unlike some of their peers, they've still got it. I saw them in New Jersey a few years ago, and they sounded just like they did decades earlier. Though while Axl Rose's voice has held up, years of unhealthy life decisions have left him susceptible to a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. He generally doesn't have anything interesting to say that you don't hear from eleventy other TDS sufferers. But I guess he must be as bored at home during the lockdown as a lot of us (see DEAR 'AMERICANS' SNITCHING OVER COVID: YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN! and NEW JERSEY TEACHER HOPES THESE STUDENTS DIE OF COVID-19). Because he decided to go after Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin for some reason.