Brodigan - May 07, 2020 at 09:18AM

Guns 'n' Roses remains one of the greatest rock 'n' roll bands of all time. Unlike some of their peers, they've still got it. I saw them in New Jersey a few years ago, and they sounded just like they did decades earlier. Though while Axl Rose's voice has held up, years of unhealthy life decisions have left him susceptible to a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. He generally doesn't have anything interesting to say that you don't hear from eleventy other TDS sufferers. But I guess he must be as bored at home during the lockdown as a lot of us (see DEAR 'AMERICANS' SNITCHING OVER COVID: YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN! and NEW JERSEY TEACHER HOPES THESE STUDENTS DIE OF COVID-19). Because he decided to go after Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin for some reason.
This is the tweet equivalent of the bully going back for his ten-year high school reunion and finding out that the nerd he picked on is a tech billionaire with a smoke show for a wife. While he still drinks at the same bar, lives in his mother's basement, and is "between jobs" while he waits for his disability settlement. Or if you view Mnuchin as the band Nirvana, this is the 1992 MTV Music Awards all over again, before Kurt Cobain got Jeffrey Epstein'd, but that's a post for a different time.
I'm not even sure what Axl Rose's beef with Mnuchin was in the first place? Maybe the lead singer is still waiting on his $1200.
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