Monday, May 4, 2020

Hilarious Parody Video Mocks Coronavirus Experts and Talking Points

Hilarious Parody Video Mocks Coronavirus Experts and Talking Points
Brodigan - May 04, 2020 at 08:16AM

As of Friday, states have started to open back up for business, causing people in states that aren't opening up and/or who suffer from crippling Trump Derangement Syndrome to lash out on social media. Or snitch (see CULT? FLORIDA LAWYER DRESSES AS GRIM REAPER TO PROTEST BEACH OPENING and NEW JERSEY GYM OWNER FACES JAIL TIME FOR LETTING PEOPLE WORK OUT). We should all stay at home and out of work until science tells us it's safe to go outside. That's what we have experts for. To tell us when science tells us it's safe to go outside. The rub is that the experts never seemed to get their story straight.

Here's the thing. We should be able to listen to experts. That's why they exist: to understand things from whatever discipline they spent time studying that we didn't. Of course that should mean economic experts as well as the flying spaghetti scientist, but that's beside the point. People listened to the experts and agreed to stay at home. Then they found out that the experts were making it up as they went along.

Masks didn't help until they were a requirement because they helped. Stay inside, unless you want Starbucks. Herd immunity is a myth. Except in the one country where they tried it. Millions and millions of people are going to die. Or they're not. Mortality rate is anywhere from 5% down to 0.01%. They aren't sure. But you know, science!

Not convinced? Check out the guy whose model the entire planet followed. And how none of his models have ever been right before. They've actually been drastically wrong.

from Steven Crowder Says