Friday, April 2, 2021

Psaki Called Out on WH Hypocrisy: If POTUS Wants All-Star Game Out of Georgia, Why Not Olympics Out of China?

Psaki Called Out on WH Hypocrisy: If POTUS Wants All-Star Game Out of Georgia, Why Not Olympics Out of China?
Brodigan - April 02, 2021 at 01:59PM

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signing a voter integrity bill that President Joe Biden can't stop lying about. Most recently, he lied about it on ESPN. He even went so far as to encourage athletes who want Major League Baseball to move the All-Star Game out of Georgia. You know, because of the Peach State violating everyone's civil liberties over a bill its detractors most likely haven't actually read. But it raises the question: If Georgia should be penalized by losing a major sporting event, the 2022 Winter Olympics are scheduled to be held in Beijing. As in China. So when we're talking about human rights violations, you're up, Jen Psaki ...

RCN's PHILIP WEGMANN: The president has voiced his support for the All-Star Game in Georgia. I'm wondering when we can expect a final determination from the president on the US participating in the Beijing Olympics. Given that he said the Chinese president doesn't have a Democratic bone in his body.

PSAKI: That's for the Olympic committee to weigh in on.

WEGMAN: But he weighed in on Major League Baseball.

PSAKI: He actually didn't.

WEGMAN: He actually did.

PSAKI: Nuh-uh.

WEGMAN: Yes way,

PSAKI: Shut up, I hate you.

That's less an accurate transcript and more a dramatic interpretation of what I heard in my brain. Obviously, you know this after watching the video! But the bottom line is Psaki avoided an actual answer for the question.

You see, while what China does to the Uighur Muslims and the Taiwanese is bad, not to mention that whole coronavirus thingy, Biden can't score woke points speaking out against that. In Biden's own jumbled-up thinking, those are just cultural differences. Speaking out on the All-Star Game sends a more powerful message to activists in this country that, if you lie about a bill you don't like, Joe Biden has your back if he thinks it will help him politically.

It would be more helpful to Jen Psaki if reporters would just go along with it, instead of asking her difficult, yet extremely important, questions.

UPDATE: Five minutes after this was published, Major League Baseball bent the knee and is pulling the All-Star Game out of Georgia.

It's really not that remarkable. Or surprising.

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