Courtney Kirchoff - April 28, 2021 at 08:43AM

NOTE: A person who'd like to be kept anonymous reached out to me to inform those of us at LWC about what's really happening in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, thanks to the "mostly peaceful" ways of Black Lives Matter. The account is below.
Greetings from beautiful Elizabeth City, formerly nicknamed the Harbor of Hospitality. Right now, it's more like the Harbor of Hostility. I'm your anonymous, non-gender-descript correspondent. My pronouns are nonsensical sounds made by Bill Cosby. Take your pick.
I'm here to share the perspective of an average Joe/JoAnne on the current situation. A perspective you'll never hear from the slap-headed sack of soggy seal s**t, Brian Stelter. Or any of his equally putrid compatriots. I digress.
Our little town is under siege by a group of "peaceful" BLM protesters. So peaceful they distributed phone numbers for bail bondsmen on livestream. Saw it with my own peepers. I may not be an educated genderless NPC, but I doubt people who keep bail bondsmen on speed dial are up to any good.
Just Saying Schitts Creek GIF by CBC Giphy
BLM has blocked roads throughout the past week. When driving, routes that were once straight shots now require numerous twists and turns. Like a rat in a maze. All so BLM can inconvenience innocents who had nothing to do with the incident in question. Decent people who are just trying to make a living. But sure, BLM are the good guys.
breaking bad bullshit GIF Giphy
I wish I could tell you things are cooling off, but they aren't. As I write this, protesters are doing their best to block off all roads in and out of town. Along with the prospect of violence, should anyone so much as give them a cross word. Again, I'm not the smartest sir/her/xir on the block, but I have a hard time seeing this as anything other than a hostile occupation by an enemy force.
If you thought the COVID lockdowns were suffocating, try having the only road in or out of your home blocked by angry extremists. Not to be dramatic, but it's kinda hard not feeling like a hostage.
As I write this, night has fallen. I'm currently in my undisclosed location with undisclosed loved ones and an array of weaponry. All in order to protect ourselves should we end up on the receiving end of their wrath. I pray it won't come to that, but that's the worst part of being in this pickle. You just don't know.
All of us have seen this play out on our screens, but being in the thick of it is a real eye-opener. It's strange to lay down your head at night, not knowing what you'll find when you wake up. Will I be going to work or staying home? Is the Food Lion going to be picked clean by looters? Will AutoZone be burned to a cinder?
I really don't know what's in store for our little town. I hope this will all blow over without incident. Unfortunately, the history of BLM tells us a different story. Nevertheless, I will keep on keeping on. It's all any of us can do.

from Steven Crowder Says