Brodigan - April 18, 2021 at 07:44AM

Brooklyn Center Mayor Mike Elliot doesn't think police officers need weapons during "routine" traffic stops. This video is an example of why the mayor is a nincompoop. It takes place in the other Brooklyn. The Brooklyn in New York, where a man was pulled over for running a red light. A member of the NYPD approached the car when the man threw a chemical on the cop. THEN attempted to throw a molotov cocktail.
In the video, two officers approach the Lincoln Town Car on each side and begin talking to the driver through his door window when he opens the door and throws a liquid, hitting the officer near the driver's side door.
The video ends, and that's when police said Virgile drove off. A second team of officers in the area spotted the Lincoln a short distance from the traffic stop and pulled it over.
Police said the man stepped out of his vehicle at the second traffic stop and threw a lit Molotov cocktail at their vehicle. It allegedly bounced off the windshield and shattered in the street.
The man tried to speed off but crashed into an SUV. That's when police apprehended him and found THREE OTHER MOLOTOV COCKTAILS in the man's car. It's not clear where the molotov cocktail party was that the man was going to. Or, if according to allegations, police were being targeted. It's New York City so one could assume the possibility exists that police may have been targeted. One might even assume they'd get away with it knowing what cowards NYC leaders are. But that's what a robust investigation is for. The NYPD is currently working with the US Attorney's office and the FBI.
Thankfully the perp throws like a girl. Otherwise, this could have been a story about a police officer hospitalized with third-degree burns. Instead of an example that no traffic stop is "routine."
This is Exhibit Q on why police need their weapon when approaching a car. They never know what else is in the car. Any elected leader or talking head on cable news who says otherwise is an idiot.
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