Monday, April 19, 2021

Anthony Fauci Found Something New to Lecture Americans About: 'Gun Violence'

Anthony Fauci Found Something New to Lecture Americans About: 'Gun Violence'
Brodigan - April 19, 2021 at 07:21AM

There are people who believe the pandemic was an excuse for government to see how much they could control people by claiming something was a "public health issue." I'm not saying whether it's true or not. That's for the "independent" "fact" checkers to argue with my editor Courtney over. But Secretary of Whoring for the Media Anthony Fauci DID find another issue he wants to lecture Americans on: guns.

Myself, as a public health person, I think you can't run away from that. When you see people getting killed, I mean, in this last month it's just been horrifying what's happened. How can you say that's not a public health issue?

It's not a public health issue.

See, that was easy!

Please remember, this is the same Fauci who refused to opine on the 2020 riots, claiming it wasn't his expertise. COVID cases were going down. Maskless people weren't social distancing while they were burning down stores. COVID cases rocketed up. Yet for whatever reason (we all know the reason), Fauci had nothing to say. Take the epidemiologist who gets himself off lecturing Americans and ask him about guns, and all of a sudden he's all chirpy about it.

So you tell me if you think this is a coincidence. President Puddinghead tells people to listen to Dr. Fauci because of how smart he is about all the things. Our Senile Old Coot-in-Chief is also gearing up for a gun control push where he wants to ban guns under the guise of "gun violence" being a public health emergency. Dr. Fauci gets asked about it on CNN and says that yes, he believes gun violence is a public health emergency. All the restrictions we've dealt with over the past year are in part to Fauci calling something a "public health emergency" every time he spreads his legs for the cameras.

Coincidence that he's found another "public health emergency"? You tell me. Also, let's see how long before he's asked about climate change.

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