Brodigan - April 27, 2021 at 01:51PM

Three things about me. I've had my 'rona shots. I recognize that Joe Rogan is not a medical professional. I'm smart enough to know when Media Matters selectively edits a clip for bitterly partisan political reasons. Here's the two-minute clip they selectively edited out of a two- to three-hour podcast. Butts appear to be very hurt by this.
People say, "Do you think it's safe to get vaccinated?" I've said, "Yeah, I think for the most part, it's safe to get vaccinated. I do."
He's a monster.
Rogan then gave his non-medical opinion (note: Rogan has never claimed to be a medical professional) of what he would tell a healthy 21-year-old if the healthy 21-year-old asked Rogan for his opinion.
No. Are you healthy? Are you a healthy person? Don't do anything stupid, but you should take care of yourself. If you're a healthy person and ... you're young and you're eating well, I don't think you need to worry about this.
So far, we have a podcaster issuing an opinion on a podcast. He and guest Dave Smith (who has been vocal about lockdown measures) then waxed poetic about virtue-signaling over your shots.
Even saying that — I'm not going to inject my child with the vaccine — is controversial. It's crazy.
To recap. A podcaster gave an opinion about the 'rona shot and people virtue-signaling about the 'rona shot. Rogan is now trending because of people virtue-signaling about this clip.
So there you have it. That's why Joe Rogan is currently the #1 trend nationwide.
My bland opinion on the matter? Bland because even an opinion with the slightest amount of seasoning will get throttled on Facebook? Even knowing Media Matters grossly takes clips out of context because they're bitterly partisan soy-based doucheburritos, I didn't think there was anything wrong with this clip. He and a guest we're having what we oldheads used to refer to as a conversation. In that conversation, Rogan presented an opinion of what he would tell someone if asked. Meh. Who cares other than progressive carnies?
I'm of the belief that someone having a contrary opinion isn't a leading cause of vaccine hesitancy. If people are really concerned about that, they might consider looking toward the White House and President Maskidy Masky McMask.
Though I am glad Rogan got rid of the gingivitis-colored studio The new design is pretty sweet.
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