Brodigan - April 20, 2021 at 01:28PM

Judge Peter Cahill on Monday addressed crazy Maxine Waters' demand for a first-degree murder conviction or else. Judge Cahill found the comments unhelpful and added: "I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case. ... Their failure to do so I think is abhorrent." But Waters is just a 217-year-old congresswoman. I wonder what the judge would think of our 217-year-old president weighing in on the case before there was a conviction. Which is what Joe Biden did today. But if you ask Jen Psaki, she says "nuh-uh."
REPORTER: The president has talked about the importance of an independent judiciary. Why is it appropriate for him to weigh in on the verdict, even though the jury is sequestered?
PSAKI: He totes didn't do that.
He totes did.
Pro-Biden media outlets are even running with headlines Biden 'praying' for Chauvin conviction; evidence 'overwhelming':
While he did not explicitly use the words "guilty" or "evidence," there was no mistaking the president's meaning.
No mistaking the president's meaning. Also, the idea that Biden has been "closely following" the case my right butt cheek. Having someone read what a staffer printed out from Vox while he has his afternoon tapioca doesn't count as "closely following." If he were closely following. If he were closely following the case, meaning watching the case instead of watching the news report on the case, there is more than enough to utter the words "reasonable doubt." Whether or not the twelve people see it that way, the jury is still out. And I swear that pun was unintentional.
But let's say the jury doesn't deliver the "right" verdict. Let's say Chauvin being beaten to death for the enjoyment of Biden supporters isn't what happens. What happens if the chaos all sides are expecting is worse than expected? The president of the United States has already admitted his mind is made up. Will he honor the jury verdict? Rhetorical question.
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